fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Swimming

Game Summaries & Team News
Game Summaries All Game Summaries
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Spring Lake High School
5.0 years ago
Lose: -
Spring Lake Invite with a smaller team than expected the Pack traveled over the break to Spring Lake and had some very nice swims leading the pack was Captain Brandon DeWeerd who had 4 very impressive swims in the Sprinting Freestyle events. The Pack hopes to regroup soon as school will be back in session soon.
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Mona Shores High School
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Win: 85 - 56
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Ottawa Hills High School
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Lose: 0 - 0
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Thornapple Kellogg High School
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Lose: 75 - 94
Boys Varsity Swimming Ludington Relays
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Lose: 0 - 0
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Spring Lake High School
5.0 years ago
Lose: -
Spring Lake Invite with a smaller team than expected the Pack traveled over the break to Spring Lake and had some very nice swims leading the pack was Captain Brandon DeWeerd who had 4 very impressive swims in the Sprinting Freestyle events. The Pack hopes to regroup soon as school will be back in session soon.
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Mona Shores High School
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Win: 85 - 56
The boys traveled to muskegon to take on the consolidated team from Mona Shores, several of the events were very close and contested with the Pack pulling out some very impressive wins. the pack had to overcome a 20 point spotting due to low entry numbers but the guys showed up and had some very impressive times. led by DeWeerd , VandenBerg and Nawara the Pack overcame the difference and swam to a very strong Win. 
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Ottawa Hills High School
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Lose: 0 - 0
This was the annual City Sprints held at City High in Grand Rapids. The maincore of the Packs team , Fair, DeWeerd, Nawara and Fair placed very well in their events and came home with several medals for their hard work and effort. Again the small team kept the pack from making a strong impact in the meet , but the guys did help determine which team ended up winning the meet.
Boys Varsity Swimming vs. Thornapple Kellogg High School
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Lose: 75 - 94
The Boys made the long trip to DKTK and had several great swims.The Exchange Swimmers found out alot about themselves when put up against very similar talented kids. They stepped up and turned in some very impressive swims. Standouts were Mikko Vesma and Peem Torjaras. The Pack turned in a very competitive team effort but fell short due to lack of depth in several events. Even with the loss, the guys came away with some great times and solidified their goals for the remainder of the season. Also with the Pack not having Divers it hurts by starting out the meet down 13 point.
Boys Varsity Swimming Ludington Relays
5.0 years ago | Rick Bacheller
Lose: 0 - 0
The 2019-20 Boys Varsity Swim season started on Dec 7th with the Annual Ludington Relays. The Pack turned in a very strong performance after only having six days of practice under their belts. The Boys came away with several Life Time best times in this meet and were led by the relay team of Jackson Fair, Braden DeWeerd, Owen Vandenberg and Luke Nawara which took three second place spots in their events. The Pack came away with a third place finish and let the conference teams know that they would be very competitive this season. The Guys will next swim at TKDK on Thursday the 12th and then travels to Grand Rapids for the Annual City Sprints at City High on the 14th.