fremont athletics

home of the packers

Girls Freshman Volleyball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Freshman Volleyball vs. Ludington Area Schools

1 year ago @ 7:10AM
Game Date
Oct 4, 2023
Fremont High School: 3.00

Fremont's freshmen dominated Ludington, winning 3 out of 3 sets on the night. Top honors for serving went to Macey Dunbar with 13 service points, including 8 aces. Ella Shriver was a close second with 9 service points and 3 aces. Kenzie Homrich added 3 aces, Roxy Martin, Lilah Morse, and Alayna Bukala had 2. Ella Shriver also rounded out her night with 3 tips, 3 kills, and 2 blocks. Loryn Long contributed 2 kills and Lilah Morse had 1 tip and 2 aces. Roxy Martin added 3 tips as well and Alayna Bukala went for 2. Great job girls!