Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Freshman Volleyball vs. Hart HS School
1 year ago @ 8:23PM
- Game Date
- Sep 12, 2023
- Score
- Fremont High School: 1.00
Our freshmen girls traveled to Hart on Tuesday, September 12. They won against Hesperia, but were upset by Hart. Stats for the Hesperia game were off the charts! Loryn Long led the team in kills with 8. She also added 3 tips and 3 service points. Ella Shriver was on fire with 6 kills, 5 tips, 5 aces, and 13 total service points. Roxy Martin contributed 2 service points, an ace, and 4 tips. Other aces were as follows: Macey Dunbar with 2, Alayna Bukala with 2, and Tori Ward with 1. Kenzie Homrich dominated with a whopping 21 aces on the night and a total of 31 service points! She served 23 straight in set 2, with 17 of them being aces! Lana Breuker contributed a tip, and Lilah Morse a kill. Way to go girls, keep up the great work!