fremont athletics

home of the packers

Girls Freshman Volleyball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Freshman Volleyball vs. OPEN

3.0 years ago @ 1:31PM
Game Date
Sep 18, 2021

The first game of the day was against Holland. Fremont won in two, 25/15 and 25/7. The second game was against Byron Center which was a close battle in the first game 21/25, but resulted in a loss in the second game 10/25. Grand Haven was our next opponent. It was also a close battle. Fremont won the first game 25/20, but lost the second two 20/25 and 6/15. Our last game was against Coopersville. The first game was close 23/25. The second game resulted in a loss of 14/25. Not only did we have good competition, we also jump served the entire tournament. We had some very nice kills from Maddie, Mia, Avery, Taylor, Kiley, and Brylie. Jerzie had two flawless passes and scored 6 points from her serves. Chelsea, Kylie R, and Lily were also very accurate with their passing. We had a very good save by Mia; she did a great job on defense. Avery was able to knock the ball right out of the opposing team's hands from across the net. Avery and Mia were studs at the net. The Fremont Packers played aggressively and smart.