fremont athletics

home of the packers

Girls Varsity Track

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Track vs. Multiple Opponents

10.0 months ago @ 10:56PM
Game Date
May 10, 2024

WMC Lakes Conference Championship

The girls finished 4th today in the conference meet with 64 points, 10 points behind 3rd place Whitehall.

The 4x100 relay team of Lily Kate Christoffersen, Rachel Maddox, Kira Manchip and Victoria Ekkel earned 1st team All-Conference and set a new PR of 53.26.

Other highlights included:

Victoria Ekkel 2nd place in the 100

Arie Beecham set a new PR in discus

Abbey King with a PR in discus

Rachel Maddox with a season record in high jump

Lily Kate a PR in long jump

2nd place in the 4x200 and a new PR - Jessie Kendziorski, Rachel Maddox, Victoria Ekkel, Cayman Ramsey

4x800 set a new PR with Olivia Stroven, Rocquel Richards, Joelle Patten and Linnea Paige

Full results:


Coach Hamilton