Game Summaries & Headlines.
Girls Varsity Track vs. Multiple Opponents
1 year ago @ 8:43AM
- Game Date
- May 12, 2023
WMC – Championship Meet
The girls finished 6th in the conference. I am so proud of these girls! They work hard and stay positive even though we can’t fill every event. This season we have been focused on improving every day and that is what these girls continue to do.
Finishing 2nd or 3rd earned earned Honorable Mention in the West Michigan Conference:
Linnea Paige 2nd in the 3200
Victoria Ekkel, Rachel Maddox, Cayman Ramsey and Ariana Tanner 3rd in the 4x200
Olivia Stroven 3rd in pole vault and hitting a new PR of 7’9”
The top 6 earned points, the following finished 4th-6th:
Arie Beecham 5th in discus
Olivia Stroven 6th in the 400
Rachel Maddox 4th in high jump
Victoria Ekkel 4th in the 100 with a new SR of 13.4
Linnea Paige 5th in the 1600 with a new PR of 5:28.86
Olivia Stroven 6th in the 400
Ariana Tanner 6th in long jump
Ekkel, Maddox, Ramsey and Tanner 4th in the 4x100
Full Results
Thank you,
Coach Hamilton