Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys JV Baseball vs. Hart HS School
1 year ago @ 10:02PM
- Game Date
- May 19, 2023
- Score
- Fremont High School: 19.0
Derks Drives in Five as Fremont Junior Varsity Baseball Defeats Hart Five runs batted in from Brendon Derks helped lead Fremont past Hart 19-10 on Friday. Derks drove in runs on a single in the first, a groundout in the second, a double in the third, and a triple in the fifth. An early lead helped propel Fremont to victory, scoring on a single by Trent Gibbie, a walk by Mason Sparks, a single by Brendan Derks, and a groundout by Austin Sparks in the first inning. Owen VanderStelt was credited with the victory for Fremont allowing eight hits and five runs over three and two-thirds innings, striking out three. Mason Sparks and Lucas Carrier entered the game out of the bullpen and helped to close out the game in relief. Fremont tallied 11 hits in the game. Brendan Derks, Deagan Klimek, and Trent Gibbie all had multiple hits for Fremont. Derks went 3-for-4 at the plate to lead Fremont in hits. Fremont Junior Varsity Packers stole 16 bases during the game as four players stole more than one with Deagan Klimek leading the way with four.