fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys JV Baseball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys JV Baseball vs. Whitehall HS School

1 year ago @ 9:24PM
Game Date
May 15, 2023
Fremont High School: 7.0

Late Score Costs Fremont Junior Varsity Baseball Against Whitehall Fremont lost the lead late in an 8-7 defeat to Whitehall on Monday. The game was tied at six with Whitehall batting in the top of the sixth when Whitehall scored two runs on a stolen base. Fremont lost despite out-hitting Whitehall six to four. Coltyn Zerlaut took the loss for Fremont, throwing one inning, allowing three runs on zero hits and walking one. Chase Mercer started the game going five innings, allowing five runs on four hits and striking out six Fremont ended with six hits in the game. Deagan Klimek and Mason Sparks collected two hits each to lead Fremont.