Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Track vs. OPEN
10.0 months ago @ 9:21PM
- Game Date
- Apr 19, 2024
Rich Tompkins Packer Relays
On a windy Friday night the boys won the 2nd Rich Tompkins Packer Relays. 8 teams participated in the meet. Fremont scored 113 points, just ahead of Sparta's 100. There were several relays and a few open events. Field events were scored as relays adding the best mark for each of the 3 relay members. Field relay placings can be found below.
Relays medaled through 4 and individuals though 6. Tonight's medalist were
100 - Jacob Burns 1st
1600 - Sean Pettis 1st Meet Record, Carter Sherman 5th
110 H - Daniel Romero 1st, Owen Hertel 3rd, Carter Rottman 4th
300 H - Daniel Romero 1st Meet Record, Carter Rottman 3rd, Owen Hertel 4th
4x100 - 4th Khai Noordyk, Connor Pettis, Sven Johnson, Jacob Burns
4x400 - 3rd Daniel Romero, Lucas Bradley, Silas Rinne, Sean Pettis
4x800 - 3rd Issac Romero, Chase Lowery, Mossen Green, Cole Lowery
Sprint Medley - 4th Connor Pettis, Khai Noordyk, Jacob Burns, Bjorn Johnson
Pole Vault - 4th Luke Bradley
Long Jump - 1st Daniel Romero, Silas Rinne, John Vissia
High Jump - 2nd Owen Hertel, Tritan Corrigan, Mossen Green
Shot put - 4th Owen Hertel, Austin Sparks, Nathan Burns
Discus - 4th Nathan Burns, Eli Hertel, Michael Robinson
Full results can be found here -
Meet results and team scores. |
Boys PV - 1st Sparta, 2nd Morley Stanwood, 3rd Ludington, 4th Fremont and WMC
Boys Shot - 1st Sparta, 2nd Ludington, 3rd MCC, 4th Fremont
Boys LJ - 1st Fremont, 2nd Hart, 3rd WMC, 4th Morley
Boys Disc - 1st MCC, 2nd WMC, 3rd Ludington, 4th Fremont
Boys HJ - 1st WMC, 2nd Fremont, 3rd Ludington, 4th Morley
Girls LJ - 1st Sparta, 2nd Hart, 3rd Ludington, 4th Fremont
Girls Discus - 1st Hart, 2nd Shelby, 3rd Ludington, 4th Morley
Girls PV - 1st Hart, 2nd MCC, 3rd Ludington
Girls Shot - 1st Morley, 2nd Ludington, 3rd MCC, 4th Fremont
Girls HJ - 1st Ludington, 2nd Hart, 3rd WMC, 4th Sparta