Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Track vs. Multiple Opponents
1 year ago @ 10:21PM
- Game Date
- Apr 21, 2023
Rich Tompkins Packer Relays 4-21-23
Cool and mostly calm
The Packer Relays are back. I would like to say that the team won to honor Coach Tompkins, but it was not to be. It was nice to see Ted Smith, ’90 Fremont grad, guide his Sparta team to the boys championship. We place 4th out of 7 teams. The boys continue to improve as shown by more personal records. Our relay squads continue to improve as we get more work in on our handoffs and shuffle our relay members. Athletes placing in the top 6 in individual events scored and medaled, while the top 4 relays got medals with 6 scoring.
Connor Pettis placed 3rd in the 100, with Kolten Belmarez placing 8th in a Pr. In the 1600 Sean Pettis continues to improve his racing chops placing 2nd in a Pr with a great stretch run. Blake Taylor places 8th and Issac Romero 9th, both Pr’s. Daniel Romero won the 300 hurdles and Carter Rottman placed 4th with a Pr while dodging a fallen runner in the home straight.
The 4x100 team of Gabe Curtice, Connor Pettis, Jacob Burns, and Khai Noordyke ran almost 2 seconds faster than our best this season to win. The 4x200 team also took home top honors running almost a second faster than our previous Sr. Team members were Daniel Romero, Connor Pettis, Khai Noordyke, and Jacob Burns. The 4x400 team of Lucas Bradley, Owen Hertel, Bjorn Johnson, and Gary Springstead improved by a second to place second, while the 4x800 and Sprint Medley teams placed 5th. The Distance Medley team of Carter Sherman, Owen Hertel, Chase Lowery, and Sean Pettis placed 3rd. Our High Jump and Shot Put relay teams placed 5th and the Discus relay team of Andrew Steger and Lucas Bradley placed 4th with Luke throwing a Pr.
Full results can be found here -