fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents

1 year ago @ 6:49PM
Game Date
Jan 10, 2024

The Packers had a good day on the mat handily beating Ludington 72-12 and Manistee 66-12. 3 out of the 4 loses Fremont had on the night came by forfeit for not having a wrestler in the weight class. Going 2-0 on the day for Fremont was; Ian Sholty, Chase Montague, Jamyre Norris, Cameron Witteveen, Killian Prewitt, Tee Ward, Beckett Newell, Kayden Stenberg, Trey Myers, and Graison Hoppa. The Packers will wrestle Saturday at the Sparta Invitational.