fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents

2.0 years ago @ 9:23PM
Game Date
Jan 25, 2023

Fremont Wrestling Posted Two More WMC Conference Victories:

The first dual of the night was against North Muskegon. The Packers won 71-6.Winning against the Norsemen were: Kashton Atwood, Kolten Belmarez, Joe Campbell, Braulio Gomez, Briar Hambrock, Cole Lowery, Kaiye Miron, Chase Montague, Trey Myers, Beckett Newell, Killian Prewitt, Michael Romero, and Tee Ward.

The Packers faced host, Ravenna, in the second dual and were undefeated in all fourteen weight classes, winning 83-0. Fremont’s winners were: Atwood, Belmarez, W. Campbell, Gomez, B. Hambrock, Lowery, Miron, Montague, Myers, Newell, Prewitt, Romero, Ward and Zerlaut.