fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents

2.0 years ago @ 3:23PM
Game Date
Dec 17, 2022

The Packers wrestled at the Belding John D. Baum Invitational last Saturday. There were two pools of 4, and then depending on placement, teams wrestled opponents from the other pool.  Fremont’s scores were as follows:

Fremont  44    Otsego 30

Fremont  69   Belding B 12

Fremont  38   Lowell B 39

Fremont  36   Belding A  45

Fremont  36   Owosso  40


Wrestlers that were undefeated were: Trey Myers, Jamyre Norris, Michael Romero, and Tee Ward.

Packers with 3 or 4 wins on the day were: Braulio Gomez-Soto, Chase Montague, Cameron Witteveen, and Seth Zerlaut.