Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents
3.0 years ago @ 9:22PM
- Game Date
- Dec 8, 2021
The Fremont Packers opened up their wrestling season with two big victories. The host Packers defeated Montague 61-15 and Jenison 49-27.
Posting victories against Montague on the night were:
RJ Thome, Tee Ward, Daniel Romero, Trey Myers, Alex Gleason, Dennis Halasinski, Michael Romero, Aiden DeWeerdt, Briar Hambrock, Chase Montague, and Killian Prewitt.
Winning against Jenison were:
RJ Thome, Tee Ward, Alex Gleason, Trey Myers, Dennis Halasinski, Michael Romero, Chase Montague, Killian Prewitt and Hayden Threatt.
Other Packers that defeated their opponents were:
Lexie Andree, Vinnie Mellema, Elias Bowen, Henrik Quist, Kyle Nagel and Kage Atwood.