fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Wrestling

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Boys Varsity Wrestling vs. Multiple Opponents

4.0 years ago @ 9:05PM
Game Date
Feb 27, 2021

Fremont Went Undefeated at Home Duals

Fremont Wrestling went 3-0 this past weekend. The Packers started off with Mason County Central and beat the Spartans 70-12. Posting pins were RJ Thome, Tee Ward, Eli Beasley, and Braulio Gomez-Soto. Trey Myers had a major decision and other winners were Killian Prewitt, Alex Gleason, Jager Kibart, Trey Breuker, Maverick McKinnon, Michael Romero and Colby Wright. 


The second dual of the day was against Belding. The Packers had 7 pins from Beasley, Ward, Myers, Gleason, Matt Lucas, Jager Kibart, and Cody Visscher. Other victorious Packers were Breuker, Elias Bowen and Thome. The final score was 57-12. 


The last round of the day was against the Ravenna Bulldogs. The Packers won 78-0. All posting pins were: RJ Thome, Daniel Romero, Alex Gleason, Gage Montague, Jager Kibart, Matt Lucas, Trey Breuker, Michael Romero, Cody Visscher, and Colby Wright .

Other winners were: Killian Prewitt, Eli Beasley, Tee Ward,  and Trey Myers.

The spotlight of the day was Jager Kibart marking his 100th Career victory.

It was in the 152 pound match against Ravenna, where Kibart pinned Julius Nurlich in just under 2 minutes.

The Packers are now 13-2.