fremont athletics

home of the packers

Girls JV Volleyball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Game Summary

Reed City Invitational

1 year ago @ 10:00PM
Game Date
Sep 16, 2023

The Packer Ladies traveled to Reed City for an exciting day of volleyball.  We faced off with Potters House, Benzie and Kingsley in pool play.  The Packers defeated Potters house in 2 sets with scores of 25/3 and 25/23.  When dueling with Benzie the Packers came out on top winning in 2 sets with scores of 25/15 and 25/10.  Next up was Kingsley, the first set was a win for the Packers with a score of 25/9 and the second game went to Kingsley with a score of 8/25.  The Packers came out of pool play in second and moved on to the quarterfinals with Reed City.  The Packers won the match in 2 sets with scroes of 25/20 and 25/21.  In the SemiFinals, the Packers went 3 sets with Ludington coming out on top with scores of 16/25, 25/21 and 15/12 to seal the win. In the championship round, the Packers again faced Kingsley in a duel to the end.  The first set was taken by Fremont with a 25/15 win, the second match went to Kingsley with a 20/25 score and in the 3rd and final set, Kingsley won the match with a score of 9/15.  The Fremont Packers took an impressive second place for the day.  

Highlights from the day include Ashe VandenBerg with an impressive 78 serves only missing 9, and Grace Evans with 63 serves only missing 11 for the day.  Hallie Snyder had 55 tips/attacks and only 9 errors, Cecelia Crisman also had 55 tips/attacks and only 5 errors.  

Lets go Packers!