fremont athletics

home of the packers

Girls JV Volleyball

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls JV Volleyball vs. Chippewa Hills HS School

5.0 years ago @ 10:51PM
Game Date
Oct 22, 2019
Fremont High School: 2

The lady JV packers defeated Chippewa Hills JV squad this evening 2-1.  Leading the attack was Alexis LaCount with 4 kills and Laney Sipos with 4 kills.  Sipos had 5 Aces on 14 attempts.  Marcy Tanner also had 5 Aces, 4 of which were in a row!  Syd Dunbar added in another 4 Aces on 13 attempts.  Maya Curtice set up with offense with 9 assists, and Tanner added 4 assists.  Defensively, the Pack was led by Dunbar with 6 digs and Curtice with 6 digs.  Bella Ross, Alexis LaCount, Laney Sipos, and Marcy Tanner each chipped in 3 digs apiece.  Overall, a great team effort was on display this evening.  The Pack travel to Sparta on October 30th for their last contest of the season.