Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Soccer vs. Oakridge HS School
5.0 years ago @ 9:53PM
- Game Date
- Oct 15, 2019
- Score
- Fremont High School: 4
Oakridge traveled to Fremont for the second round of district play on Tuesday afternoon. Fremont's Carter Moon started the scoring on a crossed ball by Kris VanTreese. However, Oakridge answered just 5 minutes later on a head ball goal from Gavin Hazekamp. Riccardo Lapertosa of Fremont put the Packers up for good when he finished a ball from Moon with 17 minutes to play in the first half. Lapertosa and Jaxx Miller added goals in the second half for Fremont. The final score was Fremont 4-Oakridge 1. Fremont outshot Oakridge 11-2. Joe Kortge made 1 save in net for Fremont and Spencer Anderson made 7 saves for Oakridge. Oakridge finished the season 5-9-3 and Fremont improves to 15-3-4. Fremont moves to the district final against Muskegon Orchard View on Saturday at 2:00 pm at Fremont.