fremont athletics

home of the packers

Girls Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Girls Varsity Cross Country vs. Michigan State University

5.0 years ago @ 7:40PM
Game Date
Sep 13, 2019
Fremont High School: 0

We dodged the storms.  Forgot my laptop so typing from my iPad, will be short.  Course ran slower than last year.  Wanted both teams to focus on moving up the second half of the race.  Girls got out a little slow but moved up well.  Boys ran well through 2-2.5 miles then faded a little.  Finished 5th.  Only 1 team in our division (Otsego) beat us. Was hot and humid.  Solid efforts and a good learning experience.  The rest of the team runs tomorrow at the Ludington invite.  Results can be found at

Boys were in the elite race, girls were in the bronze race.