Game Summaries & Headlines.
Boys Varsity Cross Country vs. Multiple Opponents
1 year ago @ 9:11PM
- Game Date
- Aug 29, 2023
2023 Newaygo County Meet
The Pack runs to victory in the inaugural Newaygo County Meet.
The girls led things off with a winning score of 18 to beat White Clouds 58. Linnea Page (So) was County Champion with a time of 22:26, while Joelle Patten (So) was County Runner-up clocking 25:55. She made a good move in the second mile to secure 2nd place. The girls placed 5 in the top 6 with Rachel Maddox (Jr), Elise Pfeiffer (Sr), and Rocquel Richards (So) placing 4th, 5th and 6th. Kira Manchip (Fr) placed 8th to medal, and Jessie Kendziorski (Fr) and Liv Stroven (Jr) earned their uniforms.
The boys scored 15 points for the win, ahead of White Clouds 47. Sean Pettis (Sr) ran a stellar 17:34 as the County Campion, with Carter Sherman (Jr) finishing as County Runner-up in 18:33. Issac Romero (So), Blake Taylor (Jr), and Cole Lowery (Jr) rounded out our scoring placing 4th, 5th, and 6th. Chase Lowery (So) also medaled in 10th. Mossen Green (Fr) and Andy Krapp (Fr) both earned their uniforms with solid runs.
Results can be found here -
Our next race is on Sept. 9th, Hill and Bale, at the Fremont Middle School.