fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Cross Country vs. OPEN

2.0 years ago @ 9:36PM
Game Date
Oct 28, 2022

2022 XC D2 Regional


Sunny, cool, calm


I am so proud of how the boys and girls ran today.  The boys had 4 of 7 runners turn in Prs, and the girls had 4 of 6 Pr.  The boys race projected a tight finish between the top 3 team and that is exactly how it played out.  Sparta won with 76, Fremont 78, and Petoskey 3rd with 79.  I am really excited with how this young group performed under pressure.  Sean Pettis (Jr) led the way in 5th place with a great last mile, Carter Sherman (So) made a big move in the last 1000 to gain contact with a group of 4 others then proceeded to put them away in the last 200 to place 8th with a PR.  Johnny Christensen (Jr) also had a great last 1000 and last 400 to place 13th, also with a PR.  Chase Lowery (Fr) had a good race with another strong final 400 to place 26th, with Issac Romero (Fr) giving a strong finish to place 31st with a PR.  Cole Lowery (So) ran a solid race as our 6th runner to place 43rd.  Henrik Quist had a great 1st half that ended as an example of never giving up.  He “bonked” in the final 400, going to the ground 5 or 6 times.  He is one of the toughest athletes I have every coached and today he pushed himself into that zone that few get to and crashed.  He got himself (rolling) across the finish line in 49th place after losing around 25 spots.  He was monitored by the EMTs and released with no concerns.  We were all happy that he was ok.  He will get a chance to run again next week as the boys team qualified for the state finals.

The girls also had a great showing placing 7th with 205 points.  We were hoping for a top 8 finish and they delivered.  Linnea Paige (Fr) got out strong and held on at the finish to place 8th with a PR.  Ariana Tanner (Fr) also scored a PR breaking 22 minutes for the first time with a very strong finals kilometer to place 33rd, with Joelle Patten close behind in 38th.  Rachel Maddox (So) ran a great last 400 on her way to a PR in 61st, with Elise Pfeiffer (Jr) and Rocquel Richards having solid runs in 66th and 73rd.


The boys team and Linnea Paige qualified for the State Finals.

All-Region Team – Sean Pettis, Carter Sherman, Johnny Christensen, Linnea Paige.


Full results can be found here -

