fremont athletics

home of the packers

Boys Varsity Cross Country

Game Summaries & Headlines.

Boys Varsity Cross Country vs. OPEN

3.0 years ago @ 9:27PM
Game Date
Oct 29, 2021

2021 XC Regional at Chip Hills

Very wet/mist and muddy – some wind.  Cool temps.


Taava Johnson (sr) qualifies for the State Finals.  Taava ran her best race and time of year despite the tough conditions.  She knew where she had to be to give herself a shot at making it to finals, and she put herself there and stayed there.  She finished 16th, she was seeded 28th or so.  Elise Pfieffer (so), Shyann Callison (fr), Rachel Maddox (fr), and Amy Perret (sr) all ran solid races while Carol Portelinha (sr) and Marcella De Aquino turned in PR’s despite the conditions.  The girls placed 13th of 17 with 361 points.


After a 4th and 2 second places Conor Somers (sr) was finally able to claim a regional title.  He led the team to a 2nd place with 77 points.  The boys ran a solid race, but couldn’t quite hang with Petoskey who scored 63.  Brennan Schuler (sr) joined Conor on the All-Region team with his 14th place finish.  Gavin Schuler (sr) placed 17th, with our “pack of 4” Carter Sherman (fr), Cole Lowery (fr), Sean Pettis (so), and Johnny Christensen (so) placing 22, 23, 24, and 26.  I think those young guys ran really well and gain a lot of experience in their first regional meet.  None of that group were seeded in the top 30.



Conor Somers – Regional Champion

Brennan Schuler


State Qualifiers

Boys Team

Taava Johnson


The stat qualifiers will run next Saturday afternoon and the Michigan International Speedway.


Full results can be found here -